This course requires 5 options.
Community English (CEFa)
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Tara De Coninck.
Full and Part-time Senior Programmes available
English Language Learning (ELL) 'Community English' provides you with opportunities to learn English for living, working and studying in New Zealand.
Learning English will help you develop language and skills to improve your confidence, participate in your community and prepare you for a job and/or study.
Are you wanting to:
Use English in the community?
- Develop your confidence when speaking in English
- Practise using English in everyday situations
- Acquire correct pronunciation, stress and intonation
Enjoy reading and writing?
- Build your skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing for everyday tasks
- Learn to read a range of simple texts
- Write for real life purposes
Learn about NZ life and Culture?
- Improve your conversation skills for meeting new people and visiting new places
- Participate in group, class and activity-based discussions
- Develop life skills and contribute to community activities 'Kiwi style'
Course Overview
Term 1
Students can write basic sentences about themselves.
Students can identify –ing verbs in sentences and begin to identify different verb tenses through yesterday/today sentences.
Students can make a presentation about themselves/personal information.
Students can listen to instructions in a variety of everyday contexts.
Getting to know you, your family, your class and Christchurch.
Students can speak and write about themselves and their families using 1st and 3rd person.
Term 2
Students can write 6 sentences to introduce someone they know well, focussing on accuracy of punctuation, letter formation and placement.
Students can write 6 sentences about their daily routines and say when they do things (using analogue or digital time).
Students can write 5+ sentences describing an animal, focusing on correct spelling of body parts and adjectives.
Term 3
Students can make a small presentation on an everyday personal topic.
Students can follow basic spoken instructions.
Students can demonstrate understanding of basic spoken texts.
Students can read, understand and respond to everyday scenarios.
Students can log in, create, modify and save a document on a computer.
Students can use present simple tense to write on personal topics and understand simple texts in present simple tense.
Recommended Prior Learning
Course placement into all ELL programmes depends on your English language level. Please contact the Enrolment Centre for more information about the placement test.
Contributions and Equipment/Stationery
Course Fee: $30 for Option Class
Assessment Information
ELL unit standards contribute to the New Zealand Certificate in English Language (NZCEL)and NCEA (Level 1 credits - Foundation & Level 1)Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
Listen to and understand basic English language spoken texts in common everyday situations
Listen to and understand basic English language spoken instructions in common everyday situations
Read and understand basic English language words and phrases in a common everyday written text
Present basic information on an everyday personal topic in English language
Complete a basic form with personal information in English language