12 Maths with Algebra (12MAA)
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Angela Brett.
12 Maths with Algebra
This course is designed for students who wish to continue Maths to a higher level. It is excellent preparation for NCEA Level 3 Calculus and Statistics and/or a Science pathway.
Course Components
- Learn how to apply algebraic methods to solving problems
- Practice applying calculus methods in solving problems
- Gain further skills in statistics and probability problems
- Make connections between algebra and graphs
Course Overview
Term 1
Algebra I – Expanding, factorizing & simplifying linear, quadratic, and fractional expressions.
Forming and solving linear & quadratic equations. Applications including parabolic graphs.
Coordinate geometry – Lengths, intersections, and midpoints of line segments.
Using algebra to prove geometric properties of points, lines, and polygonal shapes
Assessment: A.S 2.1 Solve coordinate geometry problems (2 credits)
Term 2
Trigonometry - non-right angle trig work including using the sine and cosine rules.
Assessment: AS 2.4 Apply trigonometric relationships in solving problems.
Statistics – Use Statistical methods to make inferences about population statistical measures.
Assessment: AS 2.9 Use statistical methods to make inferences (4 credits)
Algebra II – Equations with exponents and logarithms.
Term 3
Calculus - using algebra to model situations involving change
Demonstrate an understanding of probability
Assessment: Mock exams for Algebra & Calculus
Term 4
Revision for externals, mock exam for Probability for those students choosing this.
Recommended Prior Learning
Entry Suggestion
15 credits of Level 1 Maths, with evidence of understanding in Algebra and Graphs
Contributions and Equipment/Stationery
Scientific calculator (NCEA-approved https://www.nzqa.govt.nz/ncea/subjects/approved-calculator-list/)
Students planning to continue on to 13MAC should consider purchasing a graphics calculator at this stage. (FX-9750 or FX-9860, all variants)
Assessment Information
Possible CreditsExternal - 9 credits
Internal - 9 credits
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
This course is eligible for subject endorsement.
Mathematics and Statistics 2.1 - Apply co-ordinate geometry methods in solving problems
Mathematics and Statistics 2.4 - Apply trigonometric relationships in solving problems
Mathematics and Statistics 2.6 - Apply algebraic methods in solving problems
Mathematics and Statistics 2.7 - Apply calculus methods in solving problems
Mathematics and Statistics 2.9 - Use statistical methods to make an inference