12 Maths (12MAT)
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Angela Brett.
12 Maths
This course moves at your pace. It is mostly internally assessed, with one external exam. The course provides a pathway to 13MAT and 13MAS.
Course Components
- Solve trigonometry problems
- Learn about using network theory
- Further your understanding of statistics and probability
- Become familiar with sequences and series
- Take coordinate geometry to the next level
Course Overview
Term 1
A term focused on geometry skills - first coordinate geometry (AS 2.1) and then trigonometry (AS 2.4) specifically looking at non-right triangles.
Term 2
Complete AS 2.3 Sequences and Series - looking at algebra related to patterns of numbers.
Complete AS 2.9 Statistical Inference - looking at using box-and-whisker diagrams and statistics to make good guesses about populations.
Term 3
Complete AS 2.5 Networks - looking at mathematics related to systems of connected people or items.
Students will be given the option to start work for the external AS 2.12 Probability exam if they are willing to work independently.
Term 4
Time for students to make up missed assessments and continue preparing for the external if they have chosen to pursue this.
Recommended Prior Learning
Entry Suggestion
10 credits of Level 1 Maths
Contributions and Equipment/Stationery
Scientific calculator (NCEA-approved https://www.nzqa.govt.nz/ncea/subjects/approved-calculator-list/)
Assessment Information
Possible CreditsInternal - 13 Credits
(External - 4 credits optional for those wishing to work independently)
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
This course is eligible for subject endorsement.
Mathematics and Statistics 2.1 - Apply co-ordinate geometry methods in solving problems
Mathematics and Statistics 2.3 - Apply sequences and series in solving problems
Mathematics and Statistics 2.4 - Apply trigonometric relationships in solving problems
Mathematics and Statistics 2.5 - Apply network methods in solving problems
Mathematics and Statistics 2.9 - Use statistical methods to make an inference