This course requires 2 options.

Intermediate Music (11MUS)

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Van Elkayem.

Intermediate Music

This course develops your performance and composition skills, your analysis of musical works and your understanding of theory.

Course Components

  • Analyse music in a range of styles and contexts
  • Develop practical knowledge of music theory
  • Create compositions
  • Prepare and present performances
  • Introduction to music technology

Course Overview

Term 1
The focus of this term is music notation using MuseScore 3.
Students will:
- creates, and edit a given score to re-create
- learn to identify the treble and bass clefs, note names, key signatures, dynamic, tempo, and accidentals
- learn to input, edit and enter text, notes, dynamics, and accidentals
- be able to describe all of the features and functions used to create the score

US32301v1 Introductory knowledge of a music notation application - 2 credits

Term 2
The focus for this term will be 1.1 Beats re-creation task where students will re-create 40 seconds to 1 minute of a song using a DAW such as Sound Trap. Students will de- construct their chosen or given song, then re-create the drum, bass and/ or piano or guitar part by playing in each instrument using the software. Students will submit a copy of the original song along with their Sound Trap re-creation and a slide including the elements and features of their chosen song.

Recommended Prior Learning

Open Entry

Previous music tuition an advantage

Assessment Information

Possible Credits
External -10 credits
Internal - 12 credits