11 Dance (11DSE)
Course Description
Teacher in Charge: Naressa Gamble.
11 Dance
Learn to communicate through movement and interpret meaning from movement. Express and share your culture through movement. Nurture whanaungatanga through dance and movement.
Course components
- Expand the ways you express ideas, feelings, values, and beliefs, as well as how you understand those of others through dance.
- Develop literacy in dance as you learn about, and extend skills in movement, performance, and choreography.
- Strengthen relationships by collaborating, communicating, working as a team, and problem-solving.
- Develop confidence and deeper awareness in your own identity through dance.
Course Overview
Term 1
AS91937 v4 (1.2) Perform dance sequences, 6 credits, internal
In this Assessment Activity, you will learn, rehearse, and perform dance sequences from two contrasting dance styles or genres. The first dance sequence will be a Contemporary duet inspired by Ichiro Harada. This sequence will be taught to you by your teacher. The second dance sequence will be in a different genre or style. Your teacher will provide guidance about which dance genre or style will be most appropriate. This sequence will also be taught to you by your teacher or a guest tutor.
Both dance sequences must be at least 45 seconds in length. Your performance skills are the focus of this assessment.
Term 2
AS91937 v4 (1.2) Perform dance sequences, 6 credits, internal
In this Assessment Activity, you will learn, rehearse, and perform dance sequences from two contrasting dance styles or genres. Term 2 we will focus on the second dance sequence, which will be in a different genre or style. Your teacher will provide guidance about which dance genre or style will be most appropriate. This sequence will also be taught to you by your teacher or a guest tutor.
Both dance sequences must be at least 45 seconds in length. Your performance skills are the focus of this assessment.
AS91939, Demonstrate understanding of the elements of dance in a dance sequence, 5 credits, external
The Purpose of this standard is that you are able to demonstrate understanding of the elements of dance in a dance sequence. This involves, describing the dance elements in a dance sequence and describing the purpose of a dance sequence. Explaining the effects of the dance elements in a dance sequence and explaining the connections between the dance elements and the purpose of a dance sequence. Evaluating the elements of dance in a dance sequence, discussing the impact of the dance elements in a dance sequence and reflecting on the use of the dance elements to communicate the purpose of a dance sequence. Elements of dance are the key components of dance movement. These include, body, space, time, energy and relationships. For this achievement standard, a dance sequence is one that you have performed in. The purpose of a dance sequence refers to the mood or concept that is conveyed through the work. A dance sequence is a series of connected dance movements that work together. A dance sequence could be a portion of a longer choreographed work. A dance sequence may be choreographed by the teacher, a guest choreographer, a group of students, or the student themselves. A dance sequence may be performed as a solo, duo, or group.
Term 3
91936 V4 Compose a dance sequence in response to a brief, 5 credits, internal
The purpose of the standards is that you are able to compose a dance sequence in response to a brief. This involves exploring dance movements and dance elements intentionally to create choreography. You will explore and select variations of dance movements and dance elements to enhance and creatively develop dance movements to communicate ideas clearly in response to the brief.
Term 4
AS91939, Demonstrate understanding of the elements of dance in a dance sequence, 5 credits, external
The Purpose of this standard is that you are able to demonstrate understanding of the elements of dance in a dance sequence. This involves, describing the dance elements in a dance sequence and describing the purpose of a dance sequence. Explaining the effects of the dance elements in a dance sequence and explaining the connections between the dance elements and the purpose of a dance sequence. Evaluating the elements of dance in a dance sequence, discussing the impact of the dance elements in a dance sequence and reflecting on the use of the dance elements to communicate the purpose of a dance sequence. Elements of dance are the key components of dance movement. These include, body, space, time, energy and relationships. For this achievement standard, a dance sequence is one that you have performed in. The purpose of a dance sequence refers to the mood or concept that is conveyed through the work. A dance sequence is a series of connected dance movements that work together. A dance sequence could be a portion of a longer choreographed work. A dance sequence may be choreographed by the teacher, a guest choreographer, a group of students, or the student themselves. A dance sequence may be performed as a solo, duo, or group.
Term 4 – Week 2 – Is the final chance to gain your credits at the NCEA Dance Show “In Motion”, Wednesday 15th October, 6pm
Recommended Prior Learning
Open Entry
Contributions and Equipment/Stationery
Comfortable clothes and bare feet.
Develop your understanding and skill to move towards NCEA Level 2 or 3 Dance
Assessment Information
Possible CreditsExternal - 9 Credits
Internal - 11 Credits
Credit Information
You will be assessed in this course through all or a selection of the standards listed below.
Dance 1.1 - Compose a dance sequence in response to a brief
Dance 1.2 - Perform dance sequences
Dance 1.3 - Demonstrate understanding of the relationship between cultural context and key features of a dance genre or style
Dance 1.4 - Demonstrate understanding of the elements of dance in a dance sequence